Operating Engineers Certificate
![Academic School: Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Computer Science](../../../academic-schools/images/advanced-manu-engineering-computer-science-name-bar.jpg)
Area of Study: Certificate of Proficiency in Operating Engineers
Degree/Certificate: Certificate of Proficiency
Academic School: Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Computer Science
Students must be currently working in a registered apprenticeship program in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.
A four-year apprenticeship emphasizes the skill set required to be a highly skilled craftsman and equipment mechanic. Operating engineers operate and maintain hoisting, grading, excavating and paving equipment, consisting of cranes, bulldozers, scrapers, graders, endloaders, concrete and asphalt plants, rollers and pumps. The Operating Engineer is generally employed in the building of highways, airports, buildings, waterways, stadiums and sewers. The apprenticeship certificate recognizes student attaining journey level status at the completion of the technical studies. Apprentices may apply technical studies together with general education coursework toward the Associate of Applied Science degree with a concentration in Operating Engineers.